Letters About Literature

Video Series

Letters About Literature 1: What Is a Letter?

This segment introduces students to letter writing by defining what a letter is, the different types of letters, and the parts of a letter.

Letters About Literature 2: Introduction to Letters About Literature

This segment introduces students to the Letters About Literature program and the structure of the letter for the competition.

Letters About Literature Part 3: Letter Format

This segment details how to format a letter for the Letters About Literature program.

Letters About Literature Part 4: Correspond, Don't Compliment

This segment explores techniques to make successful and appealing letters for the competition.

How to Submit to Letters About Literature

A video walkthrough of the online submission process for students, teachers and parents is embedded in the instructions section of each online submission form and is also available at this link: https://youtu.be/DEjkwyfTPY4.

Dear Sana Amanat and G. Willow Wilson:

...I felt that I was able to connect to Kamala, not only through our shared cultures and religion, but also through our shame. Whenever Kamala is questioned about her religious views or cultures, she feels immense embarrassment and a fierce desire to be able to fit in with the rest of her town. Her situation reminded me of my own. The conspicuous looks and double-takes I receive for wearing the hijab and the never-ending questions about my culture and religion put me in the same state as Kamala. I felt alone, an outsider in my own neighborhood...

Amatullah Mir
Hickory Hills, Illinois
2019 National Winner – Level 3